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class OpenTeleException

class OpenTeleException(BaseException)

Base exception of the library.

class TFileNotFound

class TFileNotFound(OpenTeleException)

Could not find or open the file

class TDataInvalidMagic

class TDataInvalidMagic(OpenTeleException)

TData file has an invalid magic data, which is the first 4 bytes of the filen
This usually mean that the file is corrupted or not in the supported formats

class TDataInvalidCheckSum

class TDataInvalidCheckSum(OpenTeleException)

TData file has an invalid checksumn
This usually mean that the file is corrupted or not in the supported formats

class TDataBadDecryptKey

class TDataBadDecryptKey(OpenTeleException)

Could not decrypt the data with this keyn
This usually mean that the file is password-encrypted

class TDataWrongPasscode

class TDataWrongPasscode(OpenTeleException)

Wrong passcode to decrypt tdata foldern

class TDataBadEncryptedDataSize

class TDataBadEncryptedDataSize(OpenTeleException)

The encrypted data size part of the file is corrupted

class TDataBadDecryptedDataSize

class TDataBadDecryptedDataSize(OpenTeleException)

The decrypted data size part of the file is corrupted

class TDataBadConfigData

class TDataBadConfigData(OpenTeleException)

TData contains bad config data that couldn't be parsed

class QDataStreamFailed

class QDataStreamFailed(OpenTeleException)

Could not stream data from QDataStreamn
Please check the QDataStream.status() for more information

class AccountAuthKeyNotFound

class AccountAuthKeyNotFound(OpenTeleException)

Account.authKey is missing, something went wrong

class TDataReadMapDataFailed

class TDataReadMapDataFailed(OpenTeleException)

Could not read map data

class TDataReadMapDataIncorrectPasscode

class TDataReadMapDataIncorrectPasscode(OpenTeleException)

Could not read map data because of incorrect passcode

class TDataAuthKeyNotFound

class TDataAuthKeyNotFound(OpenTeleException)

Could not find authKey in TData

class MaxAccountLimit

class MaxAccountLimit(OpenTeleException)

Maxed out limit for accounts per tdesktop client

class TDesktopUnauthorized

class TDesktopUnauthorized(OpenTeleException)

TDesktop client is unauthorized

class TelethonUnauthorized

class TelethonUnauthorized(OpenTeleException)

Telethon client is unauthorized

class TDataSaveFailed

class TDataSaveFailed(OpenTeleException)

Could not save TDesktop to tdata folder

class TDesktopNotLoaded

class TDesktopNotLoaded(OpenTeleException)

TDesktop instance has no account

class TDesktopHasNoAccount

class TDesktopHasNoAccount(OpenTeleException)

TDesktop instance has no account

class TDAccountNotLoaded

class TDAccountNotLoaded(OpenTeleException)

TDesktop account hasn't been loaded yet

class NoPasswordProvided

class NoPasswordProvided(OpenTeleException)

You can't live without a password bro

class PasswordIncorrect

class PasswordIncorrect(OpenTeleException)

incorrect passwrd

class LoginFlagInvalid

class LoginFlagInvalid(OpenTeleException)

Invalid login flag

class NoInstanceMatched

class NoInstanceMatched(OpenTeleException)

Invalid login flag


def Expects(condition: bool, message: str = None, done: typing.Callable[[], None] = None, fail: typing.Callable[[OpenTeleException], None] = None, silent: bool = False, stack_index: int = 1) -> bool

Expect a condition to be True, raise an OpenTeleException if it's not.


Name Type Default Description
condition bool Condition that you're expecting.
message str None Custom exception message
done lambda None lambda to execute when done without error
fail lambda None lambda to execute when the condition is False, the lambda will be execute before raising the exception.
silent bool False if True then it won't raise the exception, only execute fail lambda.
stack_index int 1 stack index to raise the exception with trace back to where it happens, intended for internal usage.


OpenTeleException : exception


def Expects(condition: bool, exception: OpenTeleException = None, done: typing.Callable[[], None] = None, fail: typing.Callable[[OpenTeleException], None] = None, silent: bool = False, stack_index: int = 1) -> bool

Expect a condition to be True, raise an OpenTeleException if it's not.


Name Type Default Description
condition bool Condition that you're expecting.
message OpenTeleException None Custom exception.
done lambda None lambda to execute when done without error.
fail lambda None lambda to execute when the condition is False, the lambda will be execute before raising the exception.
silent bool False if True then it won't raise the exception, only execute fail lambda.
stack_index int 1 stack index to raise the exception with trace back to where it happens, intended for internal usage.


OpenTeleException : exception