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Convert Telethon to tdata

This example will show you how to create tdata folder from a TelegramClient session. This tdata folder can later be used by Telegram Desktop app.


  • We need to import these things:
    from import TDesktop
    from import TelegramClient
    from opentele.api import API, UseCurrentSession, CreateNewSession
    import asyncio
  • And we need to put the main code inside an async function:
    async def main():

Initialize TelegramClient

  • First we need to load a TelegramClient, either by loading an existing session or log in to a new session:
    # Load the client from telethon.session file
    # We don't need to specify api, api_id or api_hash, it will use TelegramDesktop API by default.
    client = TelegramClient("telethon.session")

Converting TelegramClient to TDesktop

There are two ways we can do this, either by using the current session, or create (log in to) a new session.

  • Use the current session:
    # flag=UseCurrentSession
    # Convert Telethon to TDesktop using the current session.
    tdesk = await client.ToTDesktop(flag=UseCurrentSession)
  • Create a new session:
    # flag=CreateNewSession
    # Convert Telethon to TDesktop by creating a new session.
    # CreateNewSession will use the current session (in tdata folder) to authorize a new session using QR Login.
    # If 2FA is enabled for this account, you must specify the password via the password argument.
    # This is of course slower than UseCurrentSession.
    tdesk = await client.ToTDesktop(flag=CreateNewSession)

Saving the TDesktop session to tdata folder

# Save the session to a folder named "tdata"

Final result example

from import TDesktop
from import TelegramClient
from opentele.api import API, UseCurrentSession
import asyncio

async def main():

    # Load the client from telethon.session file
    # We don't need to specify api, api_id or api_hash, it will use TelegramDesktop API by default.
    client = TelegramClient("telethon.session")
    # flag=UseCurrentSession
    # Convert Telethon to TDesktop using the current session.
    tdesk = await client.ToTDesktop(flag=UseCurrentSession)
    # Save the session to a folder named "tdata"