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class TelegramClient

class TelegramClient(telethon.TelegramClient,  BaseObject)

Extended version of telethon.TelegramClient



def __init__(session: Union[str, Session] = None, api: Union[Type[APIData], APIData] = API.TelegramDesktop)

Start TelegramClient with customized api.
Read more at opentele GitHub


Name Type Default Description
session str, Session The file name of the session file to be used, if a string is
given (it may be a full path), or the Session instance to be used
Otherwise, if it's None, the session will not be saved,
and you should call method .log_out() when you're done.
Read more here.
api API TelegramDesktop Which API to use. Read more here.


async def GetSessions() -> Optional[types.account.Authorizations]

Get all logged-in sessions.


  • Return an instance of Authorizations on success


async def GetCurrentSession() -> Optional[types.Authorization]

Get current logged-in session.


Return telethon.types.Authorization on success.
Return None on failure.


async def TerminateSession(hash: int)

Terminate a specific session


Name Type Description
hash int The session's hash to terminate


FreshResetAuthorisationForbiddenError : You can't log out other sessions if less than 24 hours have passed since you logged on to the current session. HashInvalidError : The provided hash is invalid.


async def TerminateAllSessions() -> bool

Terminate all other sessions.


async def PrintSessions(sessions: types.account.Authorizations = None)

Pretty-print all logged-in sessions.


Name Type Default Description
sessions Authorizations None Sessions that return by GetSessions(), if None then it will GetSessions() first.


On success, it should prints the sessions table as the code below.

|         |           Device            | Platform |     System     | API_ID |          App name          | Official App |
| Current |         MacBook Pro         |  macOS   |    10.15.6     |  2834  |     Telegram macOS 8.4     |      ✔       |
|    1    |          Chrome 96          | Windows  |                |  2496  |   Telegram Web 1.28.3 Z    |      ✔       |
|    2    |            iMac             |  macOS   |     11.3.1     |  2834  |     Telegram macOS 8.4     |      ✔       |
|    3    |         MacBook Pro         |  macOS   |     10.12      |  2834  |     Telegram macOS 8.4     |      ✔       |
|    4    |       Huawei Y360-U93       | Android  | 7.1 N MR1 (25) | 21724  |  Telegram Android X 8.4.1  |      ✔       |
|    5    |    Samsung Galaxy Spica     | Android  |   6.0 M (23)   |   6    |   Telegram Android 8.4.1   |      ✔       |
|    6    |     Xiaomi Redmi Note 8     | Android  |   10 Q (29)    |   6    |   Telegram Android 8.4.1   |      ✔       |
|    7    | Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2017) | Android  |   7.0 N (24)   |   6    |   Telegram Android 8.4.1   |      ✔       |
|    8    |  Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro  | Android  |   8.0 O (26)   |   6    |   Telegram Android 8.4.1   |      ✔       |
|    9    |          iPhone X           |   iOS    |     13.1.3     | 10840  |      Telegram iOS 8.4      |      ✔       |
|   10    |        iPhone XS Max        |   iOS    |    12.11.0     | 10840  |      Telegram iOS 8.4      |      ✔       |
|   11    |      iPhone 11 Pro Max      |   iOS    |     14.4.2     | 10840  |      Telegram iOS 8.4      |      ✔       |


async def is_official_app() -> bool

Return True if this session was logged-in using an official app (API).


async def QRLoginToNewClient(session: Union[str, Session] = None, api: Union[Type[APIData], APIData] = API.TelegramDesktop, password: str = None) -> TelegramClient

Create a new session using the current session.


Name Type Default Description
session str, Session None description
api API TelegramDesktop Which API to use. Read more here.
password str None Two-step verification password, set if needed.


  • NoPasswordProvided : The account's two-step verification is enabled and no password was provided. Please set the password parameters.

  • PasswordIncorrect : The two-step verification password is incorrect.

  • TimeoutError : Time out waiting for the client to be authorized.



Use to current session to authorize a new session:

# Using the API that we've generated before. Please refer to method API.Generate() to learn more.
oldAPI = API.TelegramDesktop.Generate(system="windows", unique_id="old.session")
oldclient = TelegramClient("old.session", api=oldAPI)
await oldClient.connect()

# We can safely authorize the new client with a different API.
newAPI = API.TelegramAndroid.Generate(unique_id="new.session")
newClient = await client.QRLoginToNewClient(session="new.session", api=newAPI)
await newClient.connect()
await newClient.PrintSessions()


async def ToTDesktop(flag: Type[LoginFlag] = CreateNewSession, api: Union[Type[APIData], APIData] = API.TelegramDesktop, password: str = None) -> td.TDesktop

Convert this instance of TelegramClient to TDesktop


Name Type Default Description
flag LoginFlag CreateNewSession The login flag. Read more here.
api API TelegramDesktop Which API to use. Read more here.
password str None Two-step verification password if needed.


  • Return an instance of TDesktop on success


Save a telethon session to tdata:

# Using the API that we've generated before. Please refer to method API.Generate() to learn more.
oldAPI = API.TelegramDesktop.Generate(system="windows", unique_id="old.session")
oldclient = TelegramClient("old.session", api=oldAPI)
await oldClient.connect()

# We can safely CreateNewSession with a different API.
# Be aware that you should not use UseCurrentSession with a different API than the one that first authorized it.
newAPI = API.TelegramAndroid.Generate(unique_id="new_tdata")
tdesk = await oldClient.ToTDesktop(flag=CreateNewSession, api=newAPI)

# Save the new session to a folder named "new_tdata"


async def FromTDesktop(account: Union[td.TDesktop, td.Account], session: Union[str, Session] = None, flag: Type[LoginFlag] = CreateNewSession, api: Union[Type[APIData], APIData] = API.TelegramDesktop, password: str = None) -> TelegramClient


Name Type Default Description
account TDesktop, Account The TDesktop or Account you want to convert from.
session str, Session None The file name of the session file to be used, if None then the session will not be saved.
Read more here.
flag LoginFlag CreateNewSession The login flag. Read more here.
api API TelegramDesktop Which API to use. Read more here.
password str None Two-step verification password if needed.



Create a telethon session using tdata folder:

# Using the API that we've generated before. Please refer to method API.Generate() to learn more.
oldAPI = API.TelegramDesktop.Generate(system="windows", unique_id="old_tdata")
tdesk = TDesktop("old_tdata", api=oldAPI)

# We can safely authorize the new client with a different API.
newAPI = API.TelegramAndroid.Generate(unique_id="new.session")
client = await TelegramClient.FromTDesktop(tdesk, session="new.session", flag=CreateNewSession, api=newAPI)
await client.connect()
await client.PrintSessions()